😱«A Pakistani girl spent twelve years living with a bent neck, and an Indian doctor took a chance on surgery!»😟

Afshin’s parents gave her elder siblings custody of her when she was ten months old. Unintentionally, Afshin’s sister dropped her to the ground. The girl was thankfully spared, but Afshin’s neck was severely contorted. Her neck was attempted to be corrected with orthopedic braces by local doctors, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

Afshin was unable to feed herself and was hardly able to move until she was six years old. Doctors in Pakistan informed parents that their child had cerebral palsy. One day, the girl’s parents received a call from a well-known Indian physician who offered to do a difficult surgery at no cost.

Afshin’s elder brother accompanied her on her trip to India. The youngster lived in such a state for 12 years, and the spine surgery specialist was astounded that she not only survived.

A difficult surgery was performed in 2021, requiring the surgeon to stay on the operating table for six hours straight. Afshin stood up for the first time since surgery. The girl can now feed herself on her own; she has gained a lot of confidence; and she has even made her first friends.

Is this not a miracle? Now, Afshin is prospering.




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