Jenna Ortega gained widespread popularity after her role as Wednesday in Tim Burton’s series based on “The Addams Family.” In an interview with Vanity Fair, she shared that working with the eccentric director was as fascinating as exploring the decor in his California home, where she once visited.
“You walk into the house, and the first thing you see is a huge throne from ‘Alice in Wonderland.’ And in the bathroom, there’s a jar with eyeballs,” the 21-year-old actress revealed about the striking items she encountered. Ortega added that Burton’s most cherished items are tiny figurines he keeps in his pockets, which the director refers to as “his little creations.”
Reflecting on her collaboration with Burton and the flood of attention she received after filming “Wednesday,” Ortega admitted:
“For the past year and a half, I’ve felt out of place. When people mention my name, it feels like they’re not talking about me. They’re talking about someone who stole my name.”
The actress is soon set for another high-profile release. The remake of Tim Burton’s cult classic “Beetlejuice,” starring Jenna Ortega, is set to hit global screens on September 6. Additionally, filming for the second season of “Wednesday” continues in Dublin.