49-year-old Leonardo DiCaprio had an unfortunate incident while on vacation in Italy. The actor, who is currently enjoying the sun and swimming in the sea off the coast of Sicily with friends and his 26-year-old girlfriend, Vittoria Ceretti, became the victim of an unexpected encounter with a sea creature. While snorkeling and admiring the underwater scenery, Leo suddenly felt a sharp pain in his thigh. When he got out of the water, it turned out that he had been stung by a jellyfish. Fortunately, the jellyfish responsible for the sting was not highly toxic. However, the pain was severe enough that Leo had to seek help from a lifeguard on the beach. The medic treated the sting with a spray, which seemingly provided significant relief to the actor.
Fans who saw the photos of Leo were not impressed with his appearance. His skinny, almost unmuscular legs and arms, along with a noticeably protruding belly, did not fit the image of the irresistible heartthrob they were accustomed to. In contrast, his companion Vittoria impressed with her perfectly toned figure, which she proudly showcased in a tiny bikini.
Recently, Leo has been almost inseparable from Vittoria. The couple recently sparked rumors that DiCaprio proposed to Ceretti. An engagement ring featuring a large heart-shaped diamond appeared on the ring finger of her left hand, resembling an engagement ring. Neither the actor nor his girlfriend has confirmed the engagement, but they haven’t denied it either.
As a reminder, the romance between DiCaprio and Ceretti began in the summer of 2023, with their first public sighting together in August. They reportedly met in the spring of the same year at the Cannes Film Festival. Since then, they have been seen publicly together several times, including at Leo’s favorite restaurant, Giorgio Baldi, in Los Angeles. Leo has already met her family and introduced Vittoria to his mother. However, the actor has yet to appear with Ceretti on any red carpets. The age difference of nearly 25 years with Vittoria does not seem to bother Leo; he is accustomed to this, as he has consistently avoided relationships with women older than 25.