The saddest cat on the internet, BenBen, is this. He was going to be put to death soon and was leading a wretched life in a shelter.
He has many severe cuts, a disfigured ear, and a fractured spine.
It seems that a big beast assaulted Ben Ben.
The cat was not eating, drinking, or even moving, according to the shelter personnel, who said that the cat appeared to have a premonition of his impending death.
BenBen was adopted by a veterinary clinic employee who learned about him.
Within an hour of her and her husband welcoming him into their house, the cat underwent a remarkable transformation!
He seemed to be expressing “thank you” all the time by purring, grinning, and crawling up for hugs. I’d like to think that he realized he was secure and that he had arrived at his place.
Despite the doctors’ predictions that BenBen would never walk again, the cat proceeded to sprint and jump in addition to walking!
Despite continuing to take painkillers, this once-sad cat has turned into a cheerful one!