John Travolta and Kelly Preston’s tale of love is evocative of a romantic film. Their paths initially intersected at the 1989 film “The Experts” audition, which resulted in their marriage the following year, in 1991. Three children, sons Benjamin and Jett and daughter Ella Bleu, were a blessing to the couple and added pleasure and family happiness to their lives. John loved being a father, and this was especially clear from his thoughts during the 2002 production of “From Paris with Love,” in which he talked about how much he loved his kids, especially Jett. The family celebrated Jett’s birth on April 13, 1992, and John treasured the first few hours after the baby’s birth, which he spent cuddling with him.
But disaster occurred in 2009 while Jett, then 14 years old, was on a family vacation in the Bahamas; a seizure caused a deadly accident in the restroom. The family was very saddened by the death, as Jett had been diagnosed with Kawasaki illness at the age of two. Although curable, this ailment causes arterial inflammation and can result in cardiac issues. John and Kelly yearned for another child despite their loss. The couple put off their plans for another child since they were concentrating on Jett’s medical needs when he was born. Ella wasn’t born until 2000, and Kelly had to wait years to become pregnant again despite their repeated attempts to grow their family.
Amazingly, Kelly became naturally pregnant at 47, a gift for which they were incredibly thankful. Benjamin was a joyful and miraculous addition to the family when he arrived on November 23, 2010, especially given the couple’s long-term infertility journey and their ages at the time. Benjamin’s parents and sister, Ella, enthusiastically welcomed him into their family, instilling in them a fresh sense of purpose and happiness.
Benjamin’s name was selected because it embodies the gentleness and timeless qualities that he brought to their lives. His arrival was very consoling for the family, who were still grieving Jett’s passing. People from all over the world rejoiced with them and sent sincere words of encouragement.
Sadly, Kelly Preston lost her life on July 13, 2017, following a two-year fight with breast cancer. This left John to deal with the challenges of being a single father. John conveyed his intention to help Ella and Benjamin through their bereavement and thanked medical staff and loved ones for their support in her memory.
Ella Bleu remembers her adolescent years with fondness, remembering their journey together, while the family honors Kelly’s memory years after her death. John Travolta and Kelly Preston’s story is still a monument to love, resiliency, and the unbreakable tie of the family despite all of its ups and downs.
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