On March 5th, the captivating Cuban diva Eva Mendes turns 50. Renowned for her commanding presence, Mendes has played important roles in the entertainment business, appearing in movies such as “Hitch,” “2 Fast, 2 Furious,” and “Ghost Rider,” among others.
At first, Mendes adorned music videos and commercials for well-known companies, such as Calvin Klein, captivating viewers with her exquisite appearance and exceptional charisma. Throughout her career, she has received some highly noteworthy jobs because of her compelling beauty and outstanding figure.
Mendes has kept a low profile in her personal life and hasn’t revealed a lot about it. She spent eight years in a committed partnership with filmmaker George Augusto.
With the publication of “The Place Beyond the Pines,” in which she featured Ryan Gosling, in 2013, her career took an intriguing turn.
News of Mendes and Gosling, who met on-site, taking their on-screen affair off-screen and having their first daughter unexpectedly surfaced in 2014.
Six years later, Gosling’s senior, Mendes, has acknowledged in a few interviews that Gosling played a big role in her choice to come on to “The Place Beyond the Pines” and helped to keep their pregnancy a secret.
Esmeralda and Amanda, the couple’s two children, were born close to one another.
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