Ava Marie and Litz Rose, the stunning twins, were born into the world on July 7, 2010, bringing their parents great delight. The twins attracted the attention of many agencies when their pictures started making the rounds on the internet, and they started getting offers for advertisements, movie parts, and photo assignments.At first, the girls’ parents were hesitant to commit, believing the kids were too young. But when Ava and Litz were seven, their mother asked whether modeling was something they would like to do.
After receiving a resounding “yes,” the twins started their modeling career and quickly established themselves as well-known figures in the fashion and advertising industries. Motivated by his sisters, their older brother also tried his hand at modeling.
Ava and Litz recently celebrated their ninth birthday, and their fame and attractiveness only keep growing.
Their mother makes sure they have a balanced existence, placing a strong emphasis on education and recreational pursuits like dance and swimming, while they approach their modeling jobs with a fun attitude.
The twins are happy and lively, even though their parents are criticized for exposing them to modeling at a young age. They thrive in the limelight.
Ava and Litz have happy, meaningful lives and consider modeling to be a fun hobby.