Converting an unoccupied garage into an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) is a resourceful way to solve your housing needs.
Martin Brown, who lives in Portland, Oregon, decided to turn his garage into a comfortable additional dwelling unit (ADU) for his mother-in-law so she could be near her grandson without having to move.
The ADU was thoughtfully created with all the necessary areas, even with its large size. The room has a cozy couch bed, a fully functional kitchen, a skylit loft bedroom, a small bathroom, and a fireplace.
Light is given priority in the design, with skylights and a glass door helping to create an air of spaciousness.
A rustic touch is added by keeping the concrete floor and original fixtures from the 1920s garage.
This imaginative ADU offers a cozy and practical living area and is a motivating substitute for family housing.
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