Renowned Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage, whose five marriages have ended in divorce, was recently photographed by photographers while out and about in Los Angeles with his fifth wife, Riko Shibata.
Supporters acknowledge Cage’s obvious contentment, but views on his young spouse differ. Cage’s younger sister, Riko Shibata, 31, seems even younger when she isn’t wearing makeup, drawing praise for her youthful appearance.
Reactions fluctuate; some people find the couple’s age difference upsetting and label them as a “unusual” and “unharmonious” duo. Some look on in bewilderment, drawing comparisons between their relationship and that of a “grandfather and granddaughter,” while others recognize the special bond between them.
Certain remarks draw attention to Cage’s purported fondness for ladies from Japan.
Despite these divergent viewpoints, the general mood highlights how crucial the couple’s happiness is.
Tell us what you think of this famous couple!